Here at Cape Trail Tours we understand that there is an inherent conflict between Adventure Tourism and the “Leave No Trace” principles to which we subscribe. At the same time, we understand that the people who most appreciate our cultural and natural environments, are also the most committed custodians of these environments.
The very fact of travelling has an impact on both the natural environment and the communities that the traveller encounters. In addition, South Africa is not a wealthy country, and there is also more potential for tension between local communities and environmental preservation than exists in most developed and wealthier countries. Experience has shown us over the past two decades that responsible and sustainable tourism initiatives actually have a win-win-win effect, resulting in an ever more sustainable cycle for both the communities and the environment. The Responsible Traveller does not merely Leave No Trace, they actually improve the overall sustainability of the places they visit.
Sustainable Trail Running – Preserving, Maintaining and Improving the Trails
South Africa is blessed with a number of dedicated and passionate Governmental, Non-Governmental and Private Sector Organisations committed to the preservation of the country’s natural assets. At Cape Trail Tours it is our privilege to be able to work closely with and support South African National Parks, CapeNature, and the many private landowners on who’s trails we are lucky enough to run. These relationships extend from active partnerships, volunteer work, marketing assistance to financial support. We also pledge to donate a percentage of our profit to both SANParks and CapeNature.
Sustainability starts with knowledge. Responsible land management and ecological and environmental preservations are about science as much as they are about passion and commitment. At Cape Trail Tours we dedicate resources to ensure that our staff, guides and partners as well as our clients learn as much about the environments we run in as is possible. This education will cover things as diverse as erosion and fire management, wildlife protection and biodiversity sustainability.
Community Upliftment
It goes without saying that the most important custodians of any environment are the people who live in that environment. It also goes without saying that people are more likely to be invested in preserving an environmental legacy for their children if they are able to provide for their children and feel optimistic about their future. Cape Trail Tours strives to provide a platform to identify and nurture the talent in local communities that will be your guides, support runners, drivers and more. This program not only provides welcome employment but also a fantastic opportunity for cultural interchange that results not only in you being given a window to look into the true heart of South Africa, but also in members of the local communities being given a window out into the wide world. It’s one thing to see it on TV or hear it from a Government Minister, but in our experience nothing leaves as lasting an impression than getting to understand the value of conservation and environmental custodianship than to hear about it from the point of view of a fellow trail runner from a foreign country.
Cape Trail Tours is a Leave No Trace partner, a member and supporter of the Greater Cape Town Water Fund, a supporter of the South African National Biodiversity Institute, a contributor to the SANParks Volunteer Ranger Fund, the Stellenbosch Trails Fund and the Mountain Club of South Africa.